How To Install A Fontfont For Thought

The QCursive font is available for free from Education Queensland here.At this site, click on the link to download 'QCursive software'. This will get you the font, as well as a program to create joined QCursive script. Thought, with its versatile five styles, is ideal for contemporary display work. It has style, flair, legibility, and interesting, flowing letter shapes. Use a combination of styles for product branding, book covers, invitations, greeting cards.Thought has not been designed to be used in ‘ALL CAPS’.

[FONT=arial]Ok so previously I downloaded a torrented version, of all the expansion packs including the base game, for University, it gets to 75% and then come up with the message,[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]'A problem occurred when trying to transfer the file 'E:TSBinSims2EP1.exe' from the media.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]Do you want to retry to copy the file or cancel the installation?'[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]This happened with the Torrent version, so I gave in and went and bought them for pennies... When it arrived this morning I Installed the base game with a few exp. included, then went to install University again and the same message came up as like on the torrent install. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I thought this would sort it out, Please help as would like to get playing today, [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]Thanks in advance.[/FONT]


Goal: Install Font Manually

I have been in a few years in my comfort zone with Arch Linux.Every font, can be installed directly using AUR.Now, that I move on to Slackware,I have to rethink about the way I install fonts.From provided by packages, into manual install.

Table of Content

  • Preface: Table of Content

  • 1: Common Example

  • 2: True Type Font

  • 3: Bitmap Font

  • 4: System Wide

  • 5: Font to Use

1: Common Example

From Empty Folder

My new working path is,of course ~/.local/share/fonts,instead of deprecated ~/.fonts.This time I arrange to a few subdirectory:

Downloading from git

For most fonts, I prefer to download using browser.But for system font, that I will be using in desktop,I prefer git clone to make sure the font downloaded right.

And copy-paste later on.

Copy and Paste

Copy paste manually.

The same method for other directory, as well.

Now you can check using fc-list

Note that by the time this article is being written,FontAwesome is still having 4.x series version.With 5.x series the font is in web-fonts-with-css/webfonts/ directory.

2: True Type Font

Installing TTF is easy, as example above.

Now you should see the font in some application:




XFCE4 Terminal

I have to logout, before I can show this in my zsh.

3: Bitmap Font

Consider have a look at siji as our example.

There are a few more step required for bitmap fonts.

  • mkfontdir, and mkfontscale

  • xset fp+


As you might already notice.XLFD using exotic notation.

Copy and Paste

Copy paste manually.

Make Font

You need other tools,it is mkfontdirand mkfontscale.

Display Font

Now you can check using xfd

Font Cache

Add Font Path

This step, you should do, or the font won’t shown up in Lemonbar.

Select Font

Using XLFD


4: System Wide

Sometimes we need to use the font in system wide,using /usr/share/fonts.

Copy and Paste

Install A Font Windows 7

You need to logout and relogin in order to use this bitmap font.

Font Tools

You can also browse a character in a font with either of these program,

  • xffd,

  • unibrow, or

  • gucharmap.

How To Install A Fontfont For Thought

5: Font to Use

I also ask some friends,in @dotfiles_id telegram group,about their favorites font. I would like to summarize here:

Icon Font/ Glyph Bar

Bar (Text)

  • Terminus

  • Roboto


  • Carlito (Calibri substitution)

  • Caladea (Cambria substitution)

Design (Inkscape)

  • Oswald (Google Font)

  • Raleway (Google Font)


  • Default: arial, helvetica, sans


How To Install A Font Font For Thought Provoking

  • Iosevka, Monofur, Tewi, ShureTech Mono, mPlus

Text Editor (Coding)

How to install a font font for thought free
  • Hack, Ubuntu Mono, Fira Code

  • Monaco, Meslo


How To Install A Font Font For Thought Windows 10


It works.

How To Install A Fontfont For Thoughtful

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How To Install A Fontfont For Thoughts

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