Line Of The Sand

  1. Line The Sand God Roll
  2. Line Of The Sun Palm Reading
  3. Line Of The Day
  4. Line Of The South Cast
  5. Sandals Online

Line The Sand God Roll

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Line Of The Sand

Line in the sand is an idiom with two similar meanings:

19 hours ago  Drawing a Line in the Sand – From Jerusalem With Love audio By. Israel News Talk Radio - 9 Shevat 5781 – January 21, 2021. Share on Facebook. Tweet on Twitter. A Line in the Sand Sunday, May 27, 2012 “ Let it be known this day that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and that I have done all these things according to your word.” 1 Kings 18:36.

Line Of The Sun Palm Reading

  • The first meaning is of a point (physical, decisional, etc.) beyond which one will proceed no further. An example would be a person who might agree to visit a bar with his friends, but will go no further (i.e. not partake in drinking alcohol).
  • The second meaning is that of a point beyond which, once the decision to go beyond it is made, the decision and its resulting consequences are permanently decided and irreversible. An example would be to commit funds to completing a project (as opposed to deferral or cancellation); once committed, the funds cannot be spent on another activity, and the project will either succeed or fail.


Biblical link to John 8:6. Some have (perhaps erroneously) interpreted Jesus' writing in the sand, as drawing a line in the sand in order to address those who are about to stone a woman caught in adultery. However, the literal translation is not that he drew a line in the sand, but that he 'wrote' (or 'drew lines' in some translations) in the sand, an important distinction.

The exact origin of the phrase is unknown: the Oxford English Dictionary suggests a transitional use from 1950, but a definitely figurative use only as late as 1978:

He drew a line in the sand with the toe of his boot, and said, 'It's as though I told you 'I can punch you in the nose, but you can't reach across that line to hit me back.'

Notwithstanding the supposed public revulsion toward more federal spending, waste and bureaucracy-building, Congress seems to have gone out of its way to draw a wide line in the sand in front of Carter.

— The Washington Post, 29 October 1978[1]

There is reference to an actual line being drawn in several historical, or legendary, military events:

  • One of the earliest recorded instance is in Indian epicRamayana where Lakshmana draws a line around the dwelling to protect Sita. This phrase is often used in India even today, and is called Lakshman Rekha.
  • In 168 BC, a Roman Consul named Gaius Popillius Laenas drew a circular line in the sand around King Antiochus IV of the Seleucid Empire, then said, 'Before you cross this circle I want you to give me a reply for the Roman Senate' – implying that Rome would declare war if the King stepped out of the circle without committing to leave Egypt immediately. Weighing his options, Antiochus wisely decided to withdraw. Only then did Popillius agree to shake hands with him.
  • In 1527, during the second expedition for the conquest of Peru, the Governor of Panama sent two ships to Isla de Gallo to rescue Francisco Pizarro and his troops. Pizarro drew a line in the sand, saying: 'There lies Peru with its riches; Here, Panama and its poverty. Choose, each man, what best becomes a brave Castilian.' Only thirteen men (The Famous Thirteen) continued with Pizarro, the others left for Panama.
  • In 1807 or 1808, the Maori tribe Ngāti Whātua won a battle against their Ngapuhi enemies on a beach at Moremonui in the far north of New Zealand. One of the victorious chiefs, Taoho, drew a line in the sand with his spear and ordered that no Ngapuhi were to be slain beyond that point. This battle, the first of the Musket Wars, was called Te Kai a te Karoro (the Feast of the Seagulls) because seagulls joined the victors in eating the slain.[2]
  • In the United States, the phrase is most commonly associated with Texas history surrounding the Battle of the Alamo, as it is attributed to Colonel William Travis, commander of the Alamo defense forces.[3] In the waning days of the Battle (somewhere during March 3–5, 1836), with Mexican General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna having the Alamo completely surrounded, Santa Anna sent a messenger to Travis demanding surrender, or else everyone in the compound would be killed. According to the legend, Travis called the Alamo defenders together, explained that defeat was almost certain, and read the letter of surrender; Travis then (having chosen to die instead of surrender) reportedly pulled his battle sword, used it to draw a line in the ground of the Alamo, and asked for volunteers to cross over the line and join him, understanding their decision would be irreversible.The legend states that all but one of the defenders (including Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett) joined Travis on his side of the line; Tapley Holland would be the first over the line. Moses Rose was the only defender choosing to leave the compound. Travis then responded to Santa Anna's letter with cannon fire, whereupon Santa Anna replied by playing El Degüello.

Recent uses[edit]

Line Of The SandLine of drawn in the sand

Line Of The Day

  • In 1990, US president George H. W. Bush described the initiation of the Gulf War as drawing 'a line in the sand'.
  • In 1997, American progressive metal band Dream Theater released a song named 'Lines in the Sand' on their album Falling into Infinity.
  • In 2003, British rock band Motörhead released a song named 'Evolution (Line in the Sand)', which was used as entrance music by WWE wrestling stable Evolution.
  • In 2014, American rock band Linkin Park released a song named 'A Line in the Sand' on their album The Hunting Party.
  • In 2016, English singer-songwriter and musician PJ Harvey released a song named 'A Line in the Sand' on her album The Hope Six Demolition Project.

See also[edit]

  • Sykes–Picot Agreement, a secret 1916 UK–France agreement, where the expression was used
  • Tipping point (sociology), an event after which a rare behavior in a group becomes more widely adopted


Line Of The South Cast

  1. ^Oxford English Dictionary, line n.2, Draft additions June 2003
  2. ^
  3. ^Mike Cox, 'Line in the Sand'

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