On the computer you want to wake up, under System Preferences Energy Saver, enable Wake for Network Access. Can't access this feature? If your Mac is part of a domain or a network, your domain administrator may have restricted some of the features and settings available on your MAC. Contact your administrator for more information. Open Energy Saver preferences and, in the Options tab, enable 'Wake for Ethernet network administrator access'. Open Network preferences. Double-click the ethernet interface, then select the Ethernet tab. Write down the 'Ethernet ID'; you'll need to have this with you when you attempt the wake. This Mac must be configured so that the IP address. Allow your Mac to wake briefly so users can access shared services (if applicable): Select any of the available “Wake for” options, such as “Wake for network access.” See Share your Mac resources when it’s in sleep. Specify sleep and wake settings for a Mac notebook. When Wake on Demand is enabled, any Mac on your network running OS X will automatically register itself and its shared items with the Bonjour Sleep Proxy. When a request is made to access a shared item on a Mac running OS X, the Bonjour Sleep Proxy asks that Mac to wake and handle the request. For Mac users: Make sure the Wake for network access option is selected in the Energy Saver settings. Your computer must be connected to your wireless router using the network cable (Ethernet).
- Mac Wake For Network Access Not Working
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- Wake For Network Access In Mac
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Click here to return to the '10.6: Turn off automatic wake-from-sleep network check' hint |
Mac Wake For Network Access Not Working
erstmal danke für den Tipp, das aufwachen nervt wirklich!!
Noch ne Frage zur Umsetzung:
Sleepwatcher hab ich runtergeladen und in usr/local/sbin und ../share/man.. kopiert wie in readme beschrieben.
Da ich mich mit Unix leider nicht wirklich auskenne nun die Frage, wie genau füge ich das Skript hinzu, so dass es dann auch automatisch getriggert wird?
Gruß und Danke
hatte schonmal was gepostet, aber wird noch nicht angezeigt.
SleepWatcher ist installiert und Dateien nach Usr/local/share.. kopiert wie beschrieben.
Nun kommt der Teil den ich nicht ganz blicke, wie erstelle ich nun das Skript so dass es vom Trigger ausgelöst wird und was muss ich mit launchd machen?
Kein Plan was ich nun machen muss.
Ne kleine Anleitung wär super ;)
Fantastic! You are the man! That is what I've been looking for since the introduction of the 'feature' wake-on-demand!
@ blue fish: Genau die Readme von sleepwatcher lesen und auch die .plist nach LaunchAgents kopieren! Die Scripts erstellst Du ganz einfach mit 'nem Texteditor und machst sie mit 'chmod +x dein.script' ausführbar! Hope that helps!
Access For Mac Free
To enable this option edit the file so that the ProgramArguments entry includes the option, like this: Relaunch the mDNSResponder daemon and you're done.
Haven't retested this, but -DisableSleepProxyClient killed my startup on 10.6.8 :-( Was really hoping it was the solution as it's cleaner than the original post.
Wake For Network Access In Mac
Wake For Network Access Find My Mac
I do like the new feature that will automatically wake my Mac when I try to access it without requiring me to use a WOL utility. However, I would prefer for my machine not to wake up every two hours, since my home network configuration never (or rarely) changes. It seems that using the solution provided would disable the new feature completely, requiring me to once again use a WOL utility to wake my machine. Is there a way to disable the automatic wakeups without losing SL's 'wake for network access' enhancements?
FYI, the reason I don't really want my machine waking every two hours is because that makes it harder to troubleshoot the issues I often run into where my idle machine wakes itself and doesn't go back to sleep.
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